A flexible training for groups of staff with activities Perfect for a twilight session or as part of an INSET day.  Ideal for team building interactive includes activities for movement and mark making. An opportunity to work with colleagues to discuss, plan and implement Write Dance in your school or setting.

Unlimited Access for 1 year (means that new staff can view the materials and teams and groups can revisit the presentation as needed).

Requires a staff facilitator and one or both Write Dance 3rd edition books.

Running Time: approximately 45 mins (recorded presentation). Allow additional 30 to 45 mins for additional optional activities.


  • Recorded presentation with video clips of Write Dance from the Write Dance Books
  • Information on What is Write Dance and how to use the Books.
  • Interactive Staff Activities
  • Facilitator Manual
  • Facilitator Guidance video
  • Two additional PowerPoints to view with essential information for SEND and Early Years
  •  Additional music of nursery songs, downloadable, with Instruction Booklet for movement and mark making to complement Write Dance in the early years.
  • Participant Handout
  • Frequently Asked Questions Sheet
  • Proforma for group activities
  • Write Dance Implementation sheet for staff leadership team and staff development feedback forms.
  • Unlimited access for 1 year
  • When you make your purchase you will receive an email with all your login information. Please  check your  email and spam/junk folder.